This page will serve as the entry to several photo albums with themes either of place, culture or organisms.
Ashemore and Chandler Heritage Preserves: This photobook is a record of several field trips to these interesting Heritage Preserves.
Clemson Experimental Forest: One of the great benefits of working for Clemson University is the ability to utilize the signficant 17,000 acres of the CEF. It's been my pleasure to see it in all seasons and in many different ways-hiking, biking horseback riding, swimming, wading and more. Thanks to those who made treks with me.
Kaua'i: From a 2012 trip to the National Tropical Botanical Garden on the island.
Natives for Home Landscapes: A beginning photolist of native plants to include in your home garden. Incorporate a few of these and you are one step closer to a garden that actually provides ecosystem services…by connecting to native pollinators, birds and more.